VIA Publications
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Making it work
My home, My life___ £ 7.95
Based on research in the UK. Ken Simons looks at what kind of home life people with learning difficulties want, andservices which are learning to support their wishes. (1995)
Means to Control - report___ £ 6.95
A review of the service brokerage model, and its relevance to the development of UK services which hand over control to the people who use the services. (1995)
Means to Control - video___ £ 17.50
A video produced by VIA, which aims to present the issues from the report, Means to Control, in a more accessible format. Includes animated diagrams and subtitles.(PAL format only,1995)
On One side___ £ 7.95
Andrea Whittaker and Steve Dowson discuss the role of the adviser to self-advocacy groups, and offer practical advice on how to give help without taking control. (1993)
Images of Possibility___ £ 3.50
This report looks at key issues thrown up by American services and asks what the lessons are for the UK: How do we develop 'people-centred' services? How do we involve ordinary citizens? How do we manage change? (1986)
Who does What?___ £ 3.00
This short paper offers a framework for thinking about the proper roles of each of the actors in the processes of assessment, allocation, and review, and has been much praised for clarifying the issues. (1990)
Days___ £ 3.00
Day services are caught in a trap between the reformists, who believe that the segregated day centre still has an important role, and the growing impetus of employment services outside the day centre. Bill Puddicombe, in this 'Challenge to Consensus' booklet, suggest that a more creative response to each person offers a way out. (1991)
The right to vote?___ £ 3.00
Based on a survey of services in the Southwest, this booklet reveals many of the obstacles which block access for people with learning difficulties to their most basic democratic right.(1987)
LASA stands for 'Learning About Self-Advocacy'. The Pack, consisting of five substantial booklets, is intended for the use of people with learning difficulties who are setting up or developing a self-advocacy group. Each book is written in plain language, with illustrations and diagrams. The Pack covers every aspect of running a group: basic skills, setting up a group; holding meetings; chairing meetings and managing finances; producing a newsletter, and much more. (1988)

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Page last updated 21/11/95